Friday FEB 7 - Wednesday FEB 12
Blue Velvet (124 min/R)
Fri FEB 7: 7:301
Sat FEB 8: (2:30)1, 7:301
Wild At Heart (124 min/R)
Fri FEB 7: (5:00)1, 9:451
Sat FEB 8: (5:00)1, 9:451
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (134 min/R)
Sun FEB 9: 7:301
Mon FEB 10: (2:10)1, 7:301
Lost Highway (134 min/R)
Sun FEB 9: (4:45)1
Mon FEB 10: (4:45)1
Eraserhead (89 min/not rated)
Tue FEB 11: 6:001
Wed FEB 12: 6:003
Mulholland Drive (146 min/R)
Tue FEB 11: (3:15)1, 7:451
Wed FEB 12: (3:15)3, 7:453
3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
Directions & Parking
Gen Adm $13
Child/Senior $9.50
Matinee $7.50
Discount Tuesday $6
About Ratings
Superscript text indicates theater number
Gen Adm $14.50
Ch/Senr $11
Matinee $7.50
Discount Tuesday $6
About 3-D
The Grand Lake has a new discount policy: Tuesday is now “$6.00 Day”. All admissions are $6.00* each all day long. This includes 3-D features! (*Excluding Special Engagements) Our new discount policy now extends to matinee shows! All tickets for showtimes starting prior to 6pm are only $7.50, 3-D included! Every day!
Mighty Wurlitzer Organ played before Friday and Saturday evening shows indicated in green in the Main Auditorium.
About Wurlitzer Organ
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